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Foster's Cans 6x375ml

Foster's is a Lager with a bright, golden colour that delivers a refreshing beer-drinking experience with a crisp, clean hop finish.

Lion Brown Cans 18x330ml

First known as Imperial Draught Ale, before being nick named 'The Brown Bomber' by servicemen in the forties and later taking on that name in 1950. Established as Lion Brown from 1953, it was originally served only from the tap, a unique barrel shaped stand that became an icon in pubs around the country.

Lion Ice Lager Bottles 15x330ml

A clean, fresh and distinctive ice beer, Lion Ice is ice-brewed, a centuries-old German brewing method known as 'Eisbock'. This special brewing process involves chilling the beer in ice chambers, causing crystals to form.

Ranfurly Draught Cans 18x440ml

Established in 1987, the brand is named after the small Otago township of Ranfurly. A great tasting and refreshing draught ale that is New Zealand

Victoria Bitter Bottles 6x375ml

Victoria Bitter or VB as it's fondly known, is an Australian icon recognised by New Zealanders. VB is a full flavoured brew that is less malty in character and slightly darker than traditional lagers. A gentle fruitiness in the aroma complements the sweet malt on the mid-palate balancing perfectly with a robust, hop bitterness.

Victoria Bitter Cans 6x375ml

Victoria Bitter or VB as it's fondly known, is an Australian icon recognised by New Zealanders. VB is a full flavoured brew that is less malty in character and slightly darker than traditional lagers. A gentle fruitiness in the aroma complements the sweet malt on the mid-palate balancing perfectly with a robust, hop bitterness.
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